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Roman emperor Commodus, who ruled from 180 to 192 was a corrupt ruler who was not liked by the Roman people during his reign. Initially, Commodus was expected to live up to the expectations that he would bring good fortune and improvements to Roman society. However, these expectations fell way short as he lacked a serious work ethic and was also very disinterested in any of the aspects of government. As he was a kid during his time of rule, Commodus took little interest in the daily running of government so he left his chief advisor, Perennis, in charge of running the empire on the his behalf. With Perennis in charge of running the empire, Commodus' life became a party, where he had no limitations on his actions. He conducted any sort of activity that he wished to do whether it be gladiator fighting, or having sexual activity with women, boys, or girls the list was extensive however these two were typically common. Eventually, wanting all of the power for himself it was only a matter of time before Perennis himself was seen as too powerful by Commodus. Rumours that Perennis was planning to rid himself of the emperor's contact in order to rule on his own were later confirmed by the fact that he made two of his own sons governors of an important province in Danubia. Watching this slowly unfold before his eyes, Commodus had his Praetorian guard slay Perennis and end his peaking suspicions of him. As emperor, Commodus should have  looked after his people and protect their homeland, but seeing as how Commodus did none of these things he wasn't liked by many. It has also been noted that the lack of interest that Commodus displayed in political affairs initiated the start of the downfall of the Roman empire as other emperors started to exhibit actions that were similar to Commodus's. Instead of tending to the needs of the empire Commodus lived the life as a gladiator, but he wasn’t any ordinary gladiator. Commodus regularly ordered  wounded soldiers and amputees into the arena to be slayed. Commodus also had regular citizens who had lost their feet due to injury or illness be tied together for him to club to death. In addition to the crippled, Commodus would slay a wide variety of animals, such as hippos, ostriches, lions, giraffes, and elephants. Eventually the Roman treasury became bankrupt because Commodus demanded that he be paid one million sesterces upon every appearance he made. So as the treasury became bankrupt he simply gained all the money back by accusing senators of treason and having their property taken away from them. While Commodus was having fun slaying things just for the sake of fun, the Roman empire was starting to crumble as all of the Roman’s tax money was being exhausted through his payment for fighting and seeing as how no one was paying attention to internal affairs no real growth occurred under Commodus, and the empire suffered major setbacks. Commodus was so widely hated that many people, including his wife, had schemed up ideas with fellow conspirators and he was ultimately killed by his fitness coach, Narcissus, who choked him to death.

Commodus’s rule was one that was problematic and strange because he was more-so a thrill seeker and marveler of the Gods than an emperor. Internally within his political circle, no progress took place when it came to advancing the economy or infrastructure because Commodus had his advisors killed off and he paid no attention to any matters other than gladiator fighting. Evidently his lack of participation in any type of organized affair that was related to advancing Rome angered many and ultimately his nieveness, carefree lifestyle, and narcissism damaged Rome politically and socially, leading them to dark times.

Emperor or Gladiator

Reflection of Commodus's Rule

Adam Thaher Period: 6

Adam Thaher Period: 6
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