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All of these emperors made the same initial mistake in neglecting the Roman citizens. Some did this more so than others but the result that it produced was the same. An unhappy population resided in Rome, unwilling to contribute to society, which then resulted in, moments of famine, rioting and periods of no civic development. The basis of Roman society, their lack of productivity lead to an infrastructure and society, that became weaker and dismembered. The mistakes stemming from each emperor’s decisions were too extravagant to fix in a short amount of time so Rome never really fully recovered from the many terrible decisions of any of the emperors. Another common theme expressed by these rulers was their inability to rule such a vast region. The emperors were either too young to understand the needs of the empire, or were only interested in their own affairs. Either way their overall lack of immaturity halted the progress of emperors prior. Rome was no longer seen as a regional power under these unfit rulers, but instead an easy target for pillaging as the emperors were too timid to reinforce their borders or accustom themselves to the battlefield or any other military related affair. This was the start of barbaric invasions that later brought down Rome entirely, but the trend started early and no amends were made to fix this grave mistake. Soldiers refused to fight under cowardly rulers such as these, so with a weak military and an angry population Rome had no protection, food, or societal productivity during the reign of the emperors. Lastly the paranoia and selfishness of the emperors doomed Rome’s inner circle of elite members and ultimately the Roman government itself. With senators being killed left and right for little to no reason the Roman government became unstable and reclusive as people lived in fear of one another. Sensible laws were repealed and senseless laws were enacted, thus creating disorder in society and splitting the senate, who were on the fence about any ideas posed by the emperor. In the end it comes down to the fact that all aspects of life were negatively touched upon by each emperor mentioned, whether it be; Caligula, Elagabalus, Nero, Domitian, or Commodus, Rome was slowly crumbling from within. Not much time was given for a reconstruction of prosperous life as each of these emperors came within close times of each other. All of the actions they displayed led to an internally weak Rome that just needed a little outside factor, that being the Huns, to fully destroy the empire.

Similarities and Conclusion

Adam Thaher Period: 6

Adam Thaher Period: 6
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